Monday, May 17, 2010

Where can I find blue wigs so I can cosplay as Konan from the Akatsuki?

ello. I want to cosplay as Konan [ the blue-haired female memeber from the Akatsuki in Naruto ] for Halloween and I was wondering where I can find a matching blue wig. I understand that I can buy a female Akatsuki cloak and other necessities on eBay and whatnot, but I'm having trouble finding a look-alike blue wig, and on top of that, a huge flower like that.

Oh, and does anyone also know if there's such things as fake piercings for cosplaying? I want to have the piercings, too...xD

If anyone can help me that'd be a huuuge help!

Oh, and one more thing. Does anyone know where I can find her ring, too? It's the one that means "white". I wonder if it'd be easier to use a real flower or a paper one, like her's? Origami, here I come! xD

Anyway, please help! Thank you.

Where can I find blue wigs so I can cosplay as Konan from the Akatsuki? costumes and wigs


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