Monday, November 16, 2009

St. patrick's day party math question?

nina, leanne, jessica, and susan are going to the st. patrick's day party with their boyfriends, jason, carol, damon, and ed. each girl is wearing something green- ribbons, dress, shamrocks, and beads. each girl is taking a snack to eat potato chips, taffy, cocoa, and deviled eggs. each girl will bring decorations for party paper flowers, leprechaun, streamers, balloons. girls heights are 4 ft. 5in, 4 ft 8 in, 5 ft 1in, and 5ft. 2in

1 jason girlfriend is shortest girl %26amp; wears ribbons in her hair

2 carl likes the deviled eggs %26amp; taffy better than what his friend brought

3 susan is 5 inches taller than jessica but shorter than ed's friend

4 carl compliments his date on her shamrocks and her leprechanun

5 leanne spilled some of the cocoa that damon's girlfriend brought on her new green dress

6 damon helped his girlfriend blow up balloons

7 ed's friend is 1 inch taller than the girl with shamrocks

8 nina hates sweets

9. the same girl made both the deviled eggs %26amp; paper flowers

St. patrick's day party math question?
You can only solve these things by making diagrams.

1. Jason's girlfriend is the shortest girl and wears ribbons.

Therefore Jason's girlfriend is 4'5"; Jason's girlfriend wears ribbons, and the shortest girl wears ribbons.


Jason - 4'5" - ribbons

2. Carl likes the deviled eggs and taffy better than what his friend brought.

Therefore, Carl did not come with the girl who brought deviled eggs or taffy. (So he either came with the one who brought potato chips or cocoa.)


Jason - 4'5" - ribbons

Carl - (potato chips or cocoa)

3. Susan is 5 inches taller than Jessica but shorter than Ed's friend.

There's only one height that is 5" taller than the previous height -- 5'1" versus 4'8" -- so Susan MUST be 5'1". Also Susan is NOT Ed's girlfriend, and since 5'1" is the second tallest height, Ed's girlfriend MUST be the tallest at 5'2".

Also, since Susan (who is 5'1") is 5" taller than Jessica, Jessica must be 4'8".

Also, from #1, since Jason is dating the shortest girl, and Susan and Jessica are the two middle girls in height, Jason is not dating either Susan or Jessica.

So now we know that Carl and Damon are dating either Jessica (4'8") or Susan (5'1"). Ed is dating the tallest (5'2") and Jason is dating the shortest (4'5"), which are Nina and Leanne (but we don't know whether Nina is tallest and Leanne is shortest or vice versa).


(Nina or Leanne) - Jason - 4'5" - ribbons

(Susan - 5'1" or Jessica - 4'8") - Carl - (potato chips or cocoa)

(Susan - 5'1" or Jessica - 4'8") - Damon

(Nina or Leanne) - Ed - 5'2"

4. Carl compliments his date on her shamrocks and her leprechaun.

So Carl's date (who we said above is either Jessica (4'8") or Susan (5'1")) wore shamrocks and brought a leprechaun. So neither Leanne nor Nina wore shamrocks or brought a leprechaun, and neither the tallest nor the shortest girl wore shamrocks or brought a leprechaun.

Also, again referring back to #2, we know Carl's date didn't bring deviled eggs or taffy, so the girl who wore shamrocks and brought a leprechaun didn't bring deviled eggs or taffy.


(Nina or Leanne) - Jason - 4'5" - ribbons

(Susan - 5'1" or Jessica - 4'8") - Carl - (potato chips or cocoa) - shamrocks - leprechaun

(Susan - 5'1" or Jessica - 4'8") - Damon

(Nina or Leanne) - Ed - 5'2"

5. Leanne spilled some of the cocoa that Damon's girlfriend brought on her new green dress.

So Leanne wore the dress. We know that Leanne is either the tallest or the shortest, so neither of the middle-height girls wore the dress. This, combined with #1 saying that the shortest girl wore ribbons leads us to conclude that Leanne is the tallest at 5'2", which means that she must be dating Ed (from #3 above), and Nina must be the shortest at 4'5" and dating Jason (also from #3 above) and must the one wearing ribbons (from #1).

Also Ed's date, Leanne, wore a dress. And since Carl's date wore the shamrocks (2), Jason's date wore the ribbons (1), that leaves Damon's date to wear the beads.

We also know from this sentence that Damon's date brought the cocoa, so the girl who brought the cocoa wore the beads.

We also know that Carl's date brought the potato chips (since we said above in #2 that she brought either potato chips or cocoa, and Damon's date brought the cocoa).

And therefore the girl who brought the potato chips also brought the leprechaun and the shamrocks, from #4.


Nina brought Jason, wore ribbons, is 4'5".

Leanne brought Ed, wore the dress, is 5'2".

Jessica, who is 4'8", brought either Carl (whose date brought potato chips, wore shamrocks, and brought a leprechaun) or Damon (whose date brought cocoa and wore beads).

Susan, who is 5'1", brought either Carl (whose date brought potato chips, wore shamrocks, and brought a leprechaun) or Damon (whose date brought cocoa and wore beads).

6. Damon helped his girlfriend blow up balloons.

And since we know Damon's date also brought cocoa and wore beads, that knocks out some other possibilities:

Nina brought Jason, wore ribbons, is 4'5".

Leanne brought Ed, wore the dress, is 5'2".

Jessica, who is 4'8", brought either Carl (whose date brought potato chips, wore shamrocks, and brought a leprechaun) or Damon (whose date brought cocoa, wore beads, and brought balloons).

Susan, who is 5'1", brought either Carl (whose date brought potato chips, wore shamrocks, and brought a leprechaun) or Damon (whose date brought cocoa, wore beads, and brought ballons).

7. Ed's friend is 1" taller than the girl with shamrocks.

Ed's friend is Leanne, who is 5'2", 1" taller than Susan at 5'1". So Susan brought the shamrocks, which means she brought Carl and potato chips. Therefore Damon must have brought Jessica.

Nina brought Jason, wore ribbons, is 4'5".

Leanne brought Ed, wore the dress, is 5'2".

Jessica, who is 4'8", brought Damon, brought cocoa, wore beads, and brought balloons.

Susan, who is 5'1", brought Carl, brought potato chips, wore shamrocks, and brought a leprechaun.

8. Nina hates sweets.

This presumably means she didn't bring the she must have brought the deviled eggs and Leanne brought the taffy.

Nina brought Jason, wore ribbons, is 4'5", and brought deviled eggs.

Leanne brought Ed, wore the dress, is 5'2" and brought taffy.

Jessica, who is 4'8", brought Damon, brought cocoa, wore beads, and brought balloons.

Susan, who is 5'1", brought Carl, brought potato chips, wore shamrocks, and brought a leprechaun.

9. The same girl made both the deviled eggs and paper flowers.

That would be Nina, so we're done.

Nina brought Jason, wore ribbons, is 4'5", and brought deviled eggs and paper flowers.

Leanne brought Ed, wore the dress, is 5'2" and brought taffy and streamers.

Jessica, who is 4'8", brought Damon, brought cocoa, wore beads, and brought balloons.

Susan, who is 5'1", brought Carl, brought potato chips, wore shamrocks, and brought a leprechaun.

I've posted the chart that I used to help me reason through this on my website. The numbers in the boxes indicate at which sentence I was able to make a decision whether or not that box should be white (a match) or grey (not a match).
Reply:Jason and Nina

Carol and Susan

Damon and Jessica

Ed and Leanne
Reply:I'll admit I don't know this, but when I saw it I wanted to wish someone Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Reply:Erm... What was the question??

plants flowers

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