Saturday, November 14, 2009

Make a flower out of a cigarette?

There's a similar post to this about Alba making a flower from a cigarette in the movie Awake or Awaken, but it wasn't really answered. I know how to make it to a certain point but I'm very confused on how to actually make the "pedals" of the flower.

To make it clear, the stem is made by first rubbing out all the tobacco and twisting/twirling the paper, simple enough. Second, peel off 3/4 of the filter paper so that the actual filter is exposed.

This is where I'm stuck. The strands of the filter need to be very divided and thin so the flower comes out nicely. When I tried it, i basically tried to just divide the filters but it just came out chunky and uneven.

If anyone knows what I'm talking about, has seen the movie, or successfully attempted this, please help me with the last part as I'm making this as a gift for someone significant.

Make a flower out of a cigarette?
once you pull the paper off of the filter...rub the filter in between your fingers and it will begin to unfold...take your time in pulling it apart....and that should do it...

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