Friday, November 18, 2011

What kind of thing do you steal; toilet paper, water, sugar, flowers...?

I mean petty thefts

What kind of thing do you steal; toilet paper, water, sugar, flowers...?
I once nicked a security camera from a wall where i worked only to find out it was a dummy ha!
Reply:nothing - can't handle the guilt
Reply:Biscuits from the break room. It might not sound like stealing but i take 4 at a time when nobody's looking.
Reply:just time
Reply:Pens... lots and lots of pens (ink). One time, though I went into a gas station with my brother-in-law and we were out of toilet paper at home, and they charge a load for it there so we went into the respective bathrooms and I rolled a bunch up and put it in my purse... he got out to the car and said he was really uncomfortable. I asked why and he said he had a roll of toilet paper down his pants.... one of those really big ones! I about died laughing! It was hilarious....
Reply:I tend to take pens from hotel rooms...tut tut...
Reply:I steal everything I can get my hands on.
Reply:Apples from my neighbours tree although the branch overhangs my garden... is that stealing?
Reply:sugar packets from the restaurants...
Reply:soap from hotels,,
Reply:rob all the pens off stalls during gala days but guess that dont count cos they`re freebies..
Reply:I don't steal. Are you assuming that everybody steals or are you trying to make out that there is nothing wrong in stealing.

I'm not a 'goody goody' but we all know that everything, no matter how small has had to be paid for by somebody. The value of the item does not matter. It is theft and that is against the law.

If you examine the careers of criminals who commit major crimes you can see that they usually started off by committing 'petty' crimes and graduated.
Reply:Not a thing, Thank God I can afford all that.
Reply:i take candy..... :o
Reply:I can't steal anything. I fee like the whole world is watching me

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